
A retreat is a place affording peace, quiet, privacy, and security - all ingredients which allow for introspection, exploration, and learning.

In every retreat there is an important process of moving away and be able to look at whatever is left behind with a different perspective and from a different position. It is time for regenerating before returning refreshed and with new perspectives and energy.



We offer a unique space for the LGBTQ+ community to travel, learn and practice different forms of self-healing, share stories, and enjoy life freely and openly. Whether you are in a relationship or single you are welcome to join this rewarding space of connecting and growth. Our LGBTQ+ retreats will explore sexuality, internalised homofobia, minority stress, dating, open relationship, polyamory, and any other aspect of your life that you wish to explore in the group. This space is exclusively open to 10-12 people.


We offer a confidential and safe space for couples to explore what is working well and what can improve. We know how couples develop and where they can get stuck in their developmental journey. Whether you are about to get married or have been for many years, this space is for growth and repair in a safe environment. Download our couples retreats brochure


We offer Couples Intensives which involve a dedicated period of time, 1-4 days, often over a weekend when one couple only travel to our special venue in Spain for a get away of doing intensive work with a couple therapist. This type of “marathon therapy” is like a “surgery for your relationship”. It suits couples that cannot commit to weekly sessions or that have experienced an affair and/or are in a real crisis that need a quick intervention to allow repair or to get more clarity as to whether to continue or end the relationship.